MindFire Communications, Inc.
Marketing during a global crisis
Ben Franklin wearing a face covering

Marketing during a global crisis

March 29, 2021 | MindFire Team

About one year ago, our nation went into a lockdown to help slow the spread of COVID-19. While where we worked and how we worked changed dramatically, the need to quickly create good work did not. Now, we’re taking a look back and sharing our key learnings. 

empty trade show space with outlines of where people would have been

Trade shows in a COVID world: What to do now?

March 4, 2021 | Erik Meade

How do you manage the in-person trade shows during a pandemic? And how do you capture your audience's attention in a virtual trade show?

light the spark scholarship graphic with student standing beside it

We’re giving away three scholarships…

February 18, 2021 | Amy Behning

When we have a spark, we like to nurture it into a full-fledged fire. It’s why we established the MindFire Light the Spark Scholarship program for high school seniors in Rock Island and Scott County who want to pursue a career in a creative field such as graphic design, copywriting, public relations, marketing and/or brand development.

MindFire Arsonists headshots

Working from home: How we’re adjusting

January 31, 2021 | MindFire Team

When the COVID-19 pandemic changed our way of life last March, most of our Arsonists transitioned to working remotely. And while it was quite the change, we found ways to make it work. That’s why we’re sharing our burning tips for successfully working from home.

A takeout ag with "2020" on it and a year's calendar behind it

4 Takeaways marketers should bring into 2021

December 17, 2020 | Amy Behning

From a marketing perspective, we must learn from this year and find ways to use our experiences to our advantage moving ahead. In the year of takeout, here are four takeaways to start 2021 on the right note. 

coworkers meet virtually on a computer using video chat

Leading through tough times

December 1, 2020 | Erik Meade

How do you lead when times are tough? We know 2020 served us a load of challenges, so here are a few things we practice through both the good times and the bad.

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