MindFire Communications, Inc.
The smart marketer’s guide to using AI for social media

The smart marketer’s guide to using AI for social media

July 16, 2024 | Olivia Martinez

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has ushered in transformative change across the world. It’s reshaping how businesses operate, from personalized customer experiences to optimized supply chains, and from predictive maintenance to advanced healthcare diagnostics. One area where AI has made a significant impact is in marketing, specifically social media. AI is reshaping social media in four main […]

Why isn’t the media covering my event? A PR pro’s guide to scoring earned media

June 19, 2024 | Denise Hnytka

There are likely some simple explanations and some solutions to take into consideration for your next announcement.

Grill the Arsonist – Allison B.

May 9, 2024 | Denise Hnytka

Design Arsonist Allison is a storyteller who loves creating characters to star in her video work. She’s an Illinois girl with a busy summer planned. She's telling us all about it from the hot seat in this edition of “Grill the Arsonist.”

Have you been influenced by a “de-influencer”?

April 24, 2024 | Karina Huaracha

This is no small trend! “De-influencers” are steering their audiences away from overpriced, ineffective products and are instead guiding them to buy nothing or find a “dupe,” a similar, more affordable version.

How your brand serves as your best recruitment tool

March 19, 2024 | Denise Hnytka

Effective branding leads to consistent communications that engage your audience and stand out in the marketplace. But solidifying your brand (your reputation!) in the marketplace doesn’t end with reaching new customers. Just as people want to buy from people they like, they want to work for companies that align with their values, image and culture.

Your bottom line depends on your brand

February 23, 2024 | Amy Behning

If you want to build your bottom line, start with a brand assessment. Take stock of the three elements of a strong brand: audience understanding, messaging and visual identity.  

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