MindFire Communications, Inc.
Are you setting clear marketing goals?
March 27, 2012 | Inga Rundquist

It’s not unusual for marketers and small business owners to focus solely on strategies and tactics instead of also setting appropriate goals. We often see this happen when people want to duplicate a campaign they are seeing someone else successfully execute. (Don’t act like you don’t know what we’re talking about…)

If you’re executing tactics and strategies willy-nilly and without setting clear goals, then you’re doomed to fail. Here’s why:

  • Goals allow you to build focused campaigns with clear calls to action.
  • Goals help you determine what strategies and tactics will be most effective.
  • Goals help you spend your money in the most effective way possible.
  • Goals help you refine your messaging.
  • Goals help you and your team remain accountable for performance on investment.

Determining your real goal is also extremely important to help you determine the right campaign. Awareness for long-term growth? Higher traffic for short-term sales? Increased website visits? Each objective will result in a campaign designed for the particular results.

When you’re setting goals, keep these 5 things in mind:

Be specific.

Your goals should be as clear and detailed as possible. The more detail you add the better your chance of success.

Don’t do this: I want to light more fires.

Do this: In the next 4 months, I want to light 15 new fires.

Be measurable.

When you’re setting a goal, remember that you need to be able to measure its success. Otherwise, how will you know whether or not you have accomplished it?

Don’t do this: I want to ignite more marketing sparks.

Do this: In the second quarter, I want to increase marketing sparks by 26%.

Be realistic.

Don’t set a goal that’s completely unattainable. There is no point in setting a goal to get 1,000 new clients next month, if you’re currently averaging 10.

Don’t do this: I want every woman in the United States over the age of 18 to yell at the top of her lungs "MindFire works.” (Get it? Mind fireworks!?!?!)

Do this: This year I want to increase our market share among women between the ages of 30 and 35 by 10%.

Be relevant.

Your goals should align with your overall mission and activities. If your business is going in one direction and your marketing goals are taking you in a completely different direction, things are going to be complicated very fast!

Let’s imagine, for example, that your vision is to become the top provider of marketing sparks in the Midwest.

Don’t do this: I want to open 5 new locations on the East Coast.

Do this: I want to increase sales by 10% in my existing locations.

Set a timeframe.

When you’re setting a goal, also establish a time limit by which the goal should be achieved. It could be 4 weeks. 3 months. 6 months. Or 1 year. Whatever it is, it’s important to decide when you want to reach your marketing goal.

Don’t do this: I want 50,000 new unique Arsonists to visit my website.

Do this: In the next month, I want 50,000 new unique Arsonists to visit my website.

Look at your own business and the marketing strategies and tactics that you’re executing. Have you set clear goals for those strategies? If not, take some time and set clear goals – specifying exactly what you hope to accomplish and in what time-frame. Then, refine your program as needed.

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