Facebook pages have a new look – are you here for it?
Have you heard the chatter about Facebook’s new layout?
Meta has slowly started rolling out a New Page Experience (NPE) for Facebook business pages. According to Meta, NPE is a new way for page admins to manage their professional presence by helping them build their brand, grow their audience and connect with followers.
One big benefit? NPE allows page admins to easily see the content from – and interact with – other pages and profiles. The page interacts with other profiles in the same manner a personal profile would. This makes monitoring and engaging with followers a lot easier.
When can you expect the transfer over to NPE?
Many pages have already transitioned to the new layout. To switch from the classic page to the new layout, follow these instructions.
Wondering if your page has already made the switch? The easiest way to tell is to go to your page’s profile on your mobile device. Look at the profile picture. Is it on the left side of the page or in the middle? If the profile picture is in the middle of the page (as seen below), your page has been switched to NPE, congratulations!
NPE vs Classic pages
Admin access looks different in NPE. Classic pages had different types of page roles, but with NPE, Meta has narrowed it down to only two-page roles: full control and partial control.
Partial control has access to:
- Create, post and manage content
- Draft and send responses to direct messages (DMs)
- Respond to comments left on posts
- Manage linked accounts on the page
- Manage ads on the page
- Analyze ad insights and post performance
- Manage the page’s events
- Removing and banning users
Full control has access to all the above with additional access to:
- Manage the page’s settings
- Grant and revoke permissions for the page and accounts linked to the page
Page admins with either role are able to switch between the business page they manage and their personal profile by clicking the dropdown in the top right corner and toggling between profiles.
HOT TIP: If you manage multiple pages, we suggest keeping a close eye on your profile image to ensure that you’re interacting as the correct account.
There are also a few features from classic pages that are no longer available:
- You’re no longer able to reply to a comment in a private message when using the API.
- Check-ins have been removed, and Meta is transitioning reviews to what they now call “recommendations.” Instead of users being able to rate a brand on a scale of 1-5, users can now either “recommend” or “not recommend” the business.
- A few publishing tools like scheduling and pinning posts are no longer available.
- Some business features like jobs, appointments and offers are also gone.
NPE’s new way of counting followers
When your page is switched to NPE, you may notice a change in your data analysis. The number of page followers and likes will change after the switch. Here are Facebook’s new specifications for NPE likes and followers:
- Users who like and follow your page on classic pages will continue to be followers of your page.
- Users who only like your page and don’t follow it, won’t be transferred as a follower to your page.
- Users who follow your page but choose not to like it, will transfer as followers to your page.
- Page likes will no longer be accessible with the NPE.
Facebook’s reasoning for these new specifications is that the number of followers a page has is more useful when measuring the page’s fan base. Be sure to keep an eye on your page’s analytics because there may be some inconsistencies after the switch due to the new specifications.
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