Looking for ways to connect with your customers?
One of the most compelling aspects of marketing in the digital age is the ability to connect with your customers. Technology has made it possible to engage your audience and get them to interact with your brand in a very powerful way.
Now, that doesn’t mean you should give up on all traditional marketing techniques. Interactive marketing simply offers an additional way to engage your audience.
Check out these examples:
- Late last year, Gonzaga University launched a marketing campaign called “Inspired Season” that used interactive video technology to drive ticket sales for the women’s basketball team. By entering your name and phone number on a web site the campaign injected you right into the action.
- Burger King has a long tradition of these types of campaigns. Remember the Subservient Chicken? Newer examples include the Angry-Gram, which lets you send a screaming Angry WHOPPER sandwich to an unsuspecting friend, or the WHOPPER Sacrifice which asks you to sacrifice 10 facebook friends for a free burger. (Facebook put a stop to this campaign shortly after its release)
The marketers behind our new president were masters at connecting with voters via technology. The Obama campaign made history by announcing President-Elect Obama’s VP selection via SMS text message. This signaled the importance they placed on people’s support, and created a lasting, memorable experience for those who received the message. After all, they were the FIRST to know!
Technology is making these types of campaigns possible. Spend some time to look for ways your brand can take advantage of these advances. It can have a dramatic impact about how your customers feel and talk about your brand!
Give us a call if you’re looking for hot ideas on how to engage your customers!