MindFire Communications, Inc.
Evergreen content. Why you need it and why it’s beautiful.
caroline alterbern, content marketing, blog articles, content marketing strategy, mindfire communications, content

Evergreen content. Why you need it and why it’s beautiful.

July 25, 2018 | Caroline Schweitzer

In a world where Google is constantly updating its algorithm, competitors are outputting content and you’re growing weary of this seemingly never-ending content battle, what can you do? Enter “evergreen” content to save the day!

brand voice, mindfirecommunications, marketing, branding, brand voice, caroline alternbern

Find your brand voice in 3 steps

January 16, 2018 | Caroline Schweitzer

Close your eyes and imagine your brand’s voice. What do you hear? If you’re not sure what you hear you should spend some time tending to the vocal box of your company’s voice.

branding, marketing, advertising, mindfire communications, lynn manternach

Should you be branding, marketing or advertising?

June 6, 2017 | Lynn Manternach, Ph.D.

The differences between branding, marketing and advertising can be confusing. The terms are increasingly used interchangeably, which only adds to the confusion. All three are important, but for different reasons. So what is the difference between branding, marketing and advertising?

trust, branding, research, lynn manternach, mindfire communication

It’s a matter of trust

April 18, 2017 | Lynn Manternach, Ph.D.

When a consumer buys a brand, it’s an act of trust. When you consistently deliver on your brand promise, you complete the circle of trust. It’s really that simple. If you don’t deliver on your promise, your customer won’t feel confident with your brand, and they won’t be a customer much longer.

chris stolz, branding, mindfire communications

How to carve out a solid position in the marketplace

April 10, 2017 | MindFire Team

Standing out in a crowded market can be quite a challenge. This is especially true in a parity market where everyone seems to offer and claim the same things. However, if you can identify and develop a strong brand identity, you’ll soon be on your way. You just have to keep in mind certain branding essentials…

360 degree video, 360 degree media, mindfire communications, chris stoltz

360° media: opening up possibility

March 20, 2017 | MindFire Team

As a marketer, there are a lot of ways to take advantage of this new technology. It helps to be inspired by what others are doing. Here are just a few.

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