MindFire Communications, Inc.
Evergreen content. Why you need it and why it’s beautiful.
caroline alterbern, content marketing, blog articles, content marketing strategy, mindfire communications, content

Evergreen content. Why you need it and why it’s beautiful.

July 25, 2018 | Caroline Schweitzer

In a world where Google is constantly updating its algorithm, competitors are outputting content and you’re growing weary of this seemingly never-ending content battle, what can you do? Enter “evergreen” content to save the day!

Inga Rundquist

Grill the Arsonist: Inga

May 31, 2018 | MindFire Team

We’re turning the tables… for this installment of “Grill the Arsonist,” the interview-er is now the interview-ee! Let's see what she had to say...

brand voice, mindfirecommunications, marketing, branding, brand voice, caroline alternbern

Find your brand voice in 3 steps

January 16, 2018 | Caroline Schweitzer

Close your eyes and imagine your brand’s voice. What do you hear? If you’re not sure what you hear you should spend some time tending to the vocal box of your company’s voice.

So you think you need a new website…

October 30, 2017 | Caroline Schweitzer

While the chances are good that your website needs a fresh redesign (what? No one uses Flash anymore?), it could also indicate that your company’s overall branding and marketing efforts could use some attention, too.

branding, marketing, advertising, mindfire communications, lynn manternach

Should you be branding, marketing or advertising?

June 6, 2017 | Lynn Manternach, Ph.D.

The differences between branding, marketing and advertising can be confusing. The terms are increasingly used interchangeably, which only adds to the confusion. All three are important, but for different reasons. So what is the difference between branding, marketing and advertising?

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